Using a Home Care Agency for Veterans

Home care agencies are ideal for home care for veterans. Home care agencies screen and provide training to caregivers for home care needs. Such an agency will also handle payroll and taxes-related issues for their employees. In addition, they will provide you with a replacement, in case the home caregiver falls sick or takes a break from work.

Apart from meeting the caregiver before starting the service, check whether –

  • the caregiver is bonded and insured?
  • there are a minimum number of hours per shift?
  • there is backup coverage if the caregiver is unable to work?
  • you can call the agency at any time, including evenings and weekends?
  • the agency will write a care plan?

Paying for Home Care

Home care is often paid for out-of-pocket but veterans can pay for it through VA benefits. Another way to pay for care include government programs like Medicaid. Medicare does not pay for personal or home care services.

Veteran home care benefits include various VA health care system services, and a long-term care pension called Aid & Attendance. Aid & Attendance is a benefit (tax-free) for veterans and their surviving spouses. It helps veterans pay for a professional home caregiver or care facility. Veterans in the VA health care system may be eligible for home care, such as personal aide or home health aide. To qualify, the veteran must have a medical need and need for help with some of the activities of daily living.

To learn more about home nursing care for veterans or energy worker home health care, call CNS (Critical Nurse Staffing) at 877-259-9001.


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